Directed by John Madden

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Starring: Colin Firth, Kelly Mcdonald, Matthew Macfadyen

Running time 128 minutes

It’s 1943. The Allies are determined to break Hitler’s grip on occupied Europe, and plan to launch an all-out assault on Sicily; but they face an impossible challenge – how to protect the invasion force from potential annihilation. It falls to two remarkable intelligence officers, Ewen Montagu (Colin Firth) and Charles Cholmondeley (Matthew Macfadyen) to dream the most inspired and improbable disinformation strategy of the war – centred on the most unlikely of secret agents: a dead man. Operation Mincemeat is the extraordinary and true story of an idea that hoped to turn the tide for the Allies – taking impossibly high risks, defying logic, and testing the nerves of its creators to breaking point.

Doors open at 7.00pm.

Starts at 7.30pm – Sorry no late admittance.

Adults £5.
Students and Under 16’s £3.00.


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